Instructions for use: If the stock is new and without any finish at all then before commencing any oiling you must first raise the grain by wetting and drying. If the stock already has a finish then omit the wet/dry procedure. Shake the bottle well then pour a liberal amount of filler onto a soft cloth, then in circular movements apply it to the stock avoiding the chequering, do not attempt to achieve a good finish, as when the filler is dry you are going to paper it off again. After one minute apply a second coat, then let it dry for one hour. Taking a piece of 400 wet/dry paper add one or two drops of Alkanet or TS-95 oil to it then gently sand the filler to the surface of the stock. As the paper drys out, again add the occasional drop of oil to keep it supple.
If after sanding there are still open pores here and there, then repeat the filling process again until no open pores are visible.
When you are satisfied with your grain filling you may now proceed to stage two if you require a deeper colour to your stock, or to stage three if you want to restore the shine only.